Are you someone who always struggles with relationships?
Through Energy healing sessions one can heal all types of relationship problems – marital issues, parents and children relationships, friends, colleagues, and relatives. Yes, Energy Healing for relationship problems works like a magic pill! In other words, you can feel a positive change in a broken relationship instantly.When you’re graced with your own inner peace, harmony, and balance, you’re more easily able to extend the same to your relationships. Combine this with your reduced stress and anxiety, healing, and an increased capacity for empathy and love, and Energy Healing will enhance your connection to your loved one. Therefore energy balancing for healing relationships starts showing its effects instantly.
Clearing Out the Old Energy
Energy healing will not only help you attract an ideal soul mate, it will help you clear your relationship patterns that no longer serve you.You can use Energy healing to clear out your energy after ending a relationship. The last thing you want to do is attract a new relationship filled with the same problems as the last one. By practicing energy balancing regularly yourself to become aware and release your patterns, you will set the stage for a truly new relationship. The only constant factor in all your relationships is “You”. With Energy balancing , you can fine tune yourself to be the best possible You, to attract the best possible partner for you. for example, say you just ended a relationship with someone who you argued with a lot. If you don’t clear your vibration of argumentative energy, you’ll end up in another argumentative relationship. Of course, you may not notice this until after the newness wears off. If you’re still a vibrational match to arguing, that’s what you’ll attract. With Energy balancing you can clear the energy in you that resonates with arguing , so you’re no longer a vibrational match to it (or whatever undesired relationship quality you’ve been experiencing). That way when you start a new relationship it can be truly fresh and new. You can create a sacred space with your new lover to reflect your current and new level of vibration.
Balancing your chakras
By balancing the seven chakras in the body you are restored to homeostasis. After a breakup, most people’s chakra systems are badly in need of balancing, as the issues that correlate to each chakra are often deeply involved in our relationships. Let me explain a little:
Crown: Connection to our soul’s purpose and higher self; often relationships bring us the most growth and can be deeply connected to our purpose and lessons.
Third eye: Connection to our vision and intuition; after a breakup we often doubt our intuition and our ability to “see things clearly.”
Throat: Communication is a major issue in relationships, and most breakups include things that weren’t said, still need to be said, or were said and later regretted.
Heart: The heart is our connection to giving and receiving love and is extremely tender after a breakup.
Solar plexus: This chakra represents our personal power, which can be thrown off during a breakup if we felt powerless in the relationship and/or rejected through the breakup.
Sacral: The seat of our relationships, passion, and sex, this is a key chakra to balance after a breakup.
Root: Connected to our sense of safety, trust, and home, all of which can be pulled out from under us during a breakup.
When you're ready, attracting new love
I’ve worked with so many clients through the course of a breakup who, months later, contact me to tell me about the new love in their life. Sometimes we work directly on attracting new partnership after they’ve healed the wounds of their breakup.Yet more often, because they’ve cleared away the baggage and internalized their lessons, they naturally find themselves in a clearer emotional and energetic space to attract new and healthy love into their lives.